Confined Space Safety Campaign

We’ve taken a proactive approach to ensure the safety of our personnel when working in confined spaces. These areas can pose various risks, including exposure to noxious fumes, reduced oxygen levels, and other hazards. To address this, we launched a comprehensive safety campaign on July 24, 2023, in collaboration with Prakash Sharma, the Construction Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) Manager Projects, and the HAL Offshore Manager. This mobile campaign toured various work areas, reaching approximately 540 personnel in our MBA assets. Recognising the importance of confined space safety, we highlighted the significance of following Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and rewarded staff and workmen for their commitment to safety during the campaign.

HSE Gallery
Int’l Tigers day at NG_Cairn (4)
Int’l Tigers day at NG_Cairn (6)
Taking Pledge
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Electrical Safety Campaign

We prioritise electrical safety to protect our personnel from potential hazards. Electricity is a crucial but potentially dangerous energy source, and we understand the importance of handling it with care. On August 9, 2023, we launched a safety campaign in collaboration with Sandip Mukherjee, Construction HSE Manager Projects, and the VASCON RCM & Electrical Manager. This mobile campaign covered various work areas in RJ North Projects and Operations, reaching over 650 personnel in the MBA field. We emphasised the significance of electrical safety, conducted spot quiz contests, and recognised 14 staff and workmen for their commitment to safe work practices during the campaign.

Confined Space
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